-Repeat Minus the Lather-
As if it were bricklaying or an onion we could dice and caramelize with olive oil we imagine it facebook-eventable but peace is a memory problem. It fades. We repeat it to ourselves, we repeat it charbroiled. Already it slipped my mind how my stomach goes hydroelectric at the top of a swing chainrust squeezed into my palms rubber seat arching. Zoom in on sky, ground pans out. And I have to hear peace again when later I’m impaling at my keyboard. That cursor blinks, like a crow molting. Blankness in its feathers. I go off to smite against a wall. Come back incorporeal, and peace is whispering something slow and tree sap and I miss it. Preoccupied by the branches and rootwars the concrete on the curb cracking upward. Peace, even carved lavishly in constipated rage...
Read More-13 Reasons You Won’t Believe-
What happens next to this dog chewing a garden hose? Even a stick of butter has no yellow lipids if it isn’t part numbered list; it will grease none of your pans, nor be largehips good on toast because it is not worth enough up. Spreading with knives is something you need to unlearn. Every trend says smothering is now done by survey. What did you get? I have a scone, baked with craisins. It means I am hungry and Virgo is rising in my vanilla latte. I have seismic eyes, my friends will be large thumbs. The hose turns on, flails. Dog is cute and drools like youtube. And you won’t click on this. I know because I used denial and second person. Plastic is killing. So are you. Who will guess what new crumble will fall from my scone or if my plate will catch it. +470...
Read More-Poetry Process And How To Guide-
Grind coffee beans using a paper clip. So the resulting bean dirt, mostly bean, could brew fly portions coffee. Or perhaps wield a doorstop to glue envelopes shut. The thuds. The crumpling. You mash and call for scotch, or maybe tape. Educe smiles by adipose cells instead of muscle. As if smirking was something you did before. Then breathe. Almost. It takes. Somehow a sponge is involved; its porous pomposity. Leech. Or more drink. Foam gets all up in that. Finally there’s a gag reflex. And before you words. Like caffeine, rushed and delible. As if some sense. Hold backspace until page is achromatic. Take up knitting. 00 Be the 1st to vote.Share...
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