Shishmaref FAQs
1.Bless you! Did you just sneeze? (How do you pronounce Shishmaref?) It’s like shish-kabob but with mar ef at the end. Sh- as in Shine; -ish- as in Danish; -mar- as in March; -ef as in effluvium. Shh-ish-mah-ref. 2.Can you see Russia from your house? (Where is Shishmaref?) No. We cannot see Russia from our house. Actually, the best view from the parsonage is facing the wrong way anyway. Our bay windows look across the bay (living up to their name in a way most bay windows can only dream of) and southward toward the mainland. However, even if we were pointed at the sea, we are not close enough to Russia to see it. Sarichef Island, where sits Shishmaref, is off the coast of the Seward Peninsula of Alaska. (A name I cannot seem to pronounce correctly. I always want...
Read MoreA Muse Repast: Lenten Beginnings
Lent is a good time to do new things. My new lenten thing is this blog. I have called it “Muse Repast.” By this title, I hope to give myself the permission to make this blog something of a quodlibet. A “what pleases” if you will. But I hope the title also says a little something about the content. Not that I will have much to say about food (although I do enjoy it religiously). The repast that I refer to is more a metaphorical“what there is to chew on at the time.” That is why it is a muse repast, and not, say, a cheesy one. So I hope this will be a place to share my musings. They will be sometimes philosophical, sometimes poetic, sometimes confessional (of faith), sometimes devotional, sometimes whimsical, sometimes humourous and sometimes alien altogether. 00...
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